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We promote an empathetic and friendly team with a vision to execute pragmatic VR solutions that empowers owners and operators to offer innovative virtual reality attractions – from small play areas to stadium-sized arenas that keep visitors coming back. Through our strategic partnerships we are able to create rich innovative experiences that connect in ways that are meaningful for how kids and families gather, interact and play.

Geburtstag voller Spaß & Spiel

Verbringe einen unvergesslichen Geburtstag mit deiner Familie und Freunden in der SPREE VR-Arena. Erlebe faszinierende Welten, gehe auf Entdeckungsreise zum Mars oder tretet gegeneinander in einem aufregenden Wettkampf an!

Contact info

OFFICE: +49 (160) 921 315 36

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2021 © SPREE Interactive
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